Hammer's Mountain Patrol-Private Security and Concierge Services Company

A private security and concierge services company

Evolve |  Proud Service Partner

Hammer's Mountain Services |  Proud Service Partner

Additional Services

1. Turn on/off heat & water for arrival with 24 hour notice$25
2. Arrival prep-with less than 4 hours notice,after hours or weekends$45-$55
3. Alarm turn off/on and house opening$25
4. Draining inside water lines$30
5. Waiting at house with deliveryman/cable company, etc$45
6. Trash disposal$8/first bag
$5/additional bags
7. Moving trash cans to street then replacing in garage$8/first can
$5/additional cans
8. Coordinating outside service providers$25
9. Smoke Detector 9V battery replacement, if accessible$28/first battery

1. Fax and copy Service
2. Notary Service
3. Referrals to outside service providers
   1. Finding a lost item
   2. Pick up and deliver packages, etc
   3. Snow Removal

Rates subject to change.


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